Tuesday, July 19, 2005

California owes you!

I have been bored lately, not sure why. So I checked to see if the State of California owed any of my clients money. About 25% of my clients (that I checked) do have money at the State of California – how fun it was to call them. And always, it reminds them to check out my website often.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Back to work...

Returned home from Balboa on Saturday, since I brought my laptop, cell phone & Natalie was working diligently at the office, it was not too much work to come back to. My sister & brother-in-law left on Wednesday and we were able to spread out a little more, but I sure miss them & the boys. My cousin’s children, John & Samantha were a lot of fun and we were all sad to say goodbye on Saturday.

Saturday night, surprise birthday party for Jerry – wow! Deanna did a great job with the pool & guesthouse additions. The landscaping and everything about the home is remarkable. Sorry that George & I needed to leave early; I had to finish laundry so Krissy & Jinan could depart for camp on Sunday the 10th. The house is quiet with them gone. I keep checking the campsite to see if they have posted pictures of the girls yet.

Good to be back home, the only problem with the girls gone, is that Jinan’s Papillion, Connie is sleeping in bed with us and George is afraid of her – probably because she hates him and bites him if he moves.

Friday, July 01, 2005


Just remembered it’s my wedding anniversary. George & I get so busy, we always forget, it’s gotten to be a joke. Industrial sewing machines & real estate seem to take up all of our time, but at least we'll have a week of relaxation because tomorrow we leave for Balboa; Natalie will be here, and I will have my cell phone & lap top.